Saturday, April 4, 2009

Basel on a Saturday

Zurich may have the award for sophistication, but Basel has all the class. An hour northwest of Zurich on the French/German/Swiss border along the Rhine River is Basel. Somewhat familiar to me this trip, believe it or not, given my first appearance over Basel Fasnaught at 4am dancing in the rain with the other carnival goers…. This trip I played it much more subdued. Like all Swiss cities, the architecture is brilliant, the river is set just right within the heart of the city, the Munster is powerful, stone rock, and breathtaking…. and the streets are
full of shops, cafes, boutiques, markets, vendors, smiling faces, strollers, and sweets. Lord, could there be any more sweets?? Just when I think I have tried them all, another is introduced…and I respectfully indulge my taste buds.

There is no argument that Saturday is the BEST day in this country. The quiet winter street and side streets are suddenly bombarded with swiss folk, native and not, old and new, young and old, sheepishly strolling or at a bustling speed….there is not a crevasse to hide. The city becomes alive: corners for musicians, sidewalks for espresso drinkers, alleys for lovers, sales for shoppers, sites for
tourists, benches for readers, parks for loungers….anywhere but inside….we’ll exhale on Sunday.

Basel Photo Album Link:

Friday, March 6, 2009

I will, in Rapperswil

The city of Zurich is awesome – can’t argue that, but the villages surrounding the city, soothe the soul in many more ways than one…the city of Polish influence and style and recovery….an afternoon in Rapperswil. The Fischmarkplatz hugs the lake and draws the residents and tourists to its famous lakeside restaurants, cafes, and shaded promenade – lovely, but the lanterns and small wooden doors up the small alleys impressed me more.

The village sits in the shadow of the thirteen-century castle that protects, provides, and embraces the foreign touch…the view is that from a professional, but still no justice would be found…

I had my first donor kabob for lunch (since Spain)…fell in love with Thomas Sabo…and decided churches and cemeteries will never get old to me…

I love to remember where I am on the map.

Basel Fasnacht 2009

Basel is the home of the largest carnival festival in Switzerland – BASEL FASNACHT! The festivities begin at 4am Monday morning and continue for three days. I wouldn’t dare to miss such an event, at such a time. Sunday evening, after dinner and many drinks….3:30am finally arrived….thousands of people filled the streets of Basel and at exactly 4am EVERY light in the city went out! And the piccolos started to hum and the drums began to beat…and the parades began. The only lights in the city were those lanterns sitting on the heads of the masks and the uniquely painted and themed lantern canvases held high in the air, leading each groups marching beat. Absolutely one of the coolest sites I have ever seen…and one of the most incredible cultural festivals I have ever been a part of….each mask distinctive in designed…tradition flowed through the streets like the lanterns in the air. 10am tiptoed in quickly…and daylight brought us out of the mystic and to the trains homebound…

Link to photo gallery of Basel Fasnacht, Greifensee, and Rapperswil:


Introducing, Enya Monique new girlfriend
Really...she is the cutest baby in all of Europe!

Link to photo galleries of Basel Fasnacht, Rapperswil, & Greifensee:

My backyard

I live in Volkeswil, a town 10 minutes by train to the heart of Zurich. Scoping out my town one day I found my place of comfort and my sanctuary; my track and my backyard. A sidewalk runs along this lake, with hills in the foreground and the infinite alps in the background. I wish my feet could take me further…there are many secretly hidden villages waiting to be explored…but, then again, we are still so early in the trip. Tucked within the lakeside is a small village called Greifensee. On Saturdays city folk come to enjoy the lake, stroll along the waterway, have coffee, watch the kids play….last Saturday we were serenaded by a older German man singing only Cat Stevens…”from the moment I could talk, I was ordered to listen. Now there’s a way and I know that I have to go away. I know, I have to go away.” Then he made us join in (completely surprised how many knew the lyrics in English I might add)…”All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside, It’s hard, but it’s harder to ignore it. If they were right, I’d agree, but it’s them they know not me.” All together now he yelled (almost as if trying to share a darken, suppressed desire) ….”I know I have to go away.”

Not sue if it gets much better than that….and the children played, caffeine buzzes filled the air, Cat Stevens played on, and the sun shined…

i enjoy taking up space here....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top 10

Still working on the order of the Top 10 things I love about Zurich:

1. Public Transportation: Brilliant, Efficient, Convenient. You can get anywhere in Zurich by bus, tram, or train…all schedules are precise and on-time…trains are clean and simple to navigate. All the transport is above ground rather the dark underground caves we call subways…Pia described the above trains as more, “romantic” and I would have to agree. You quickly jump onto a tram, sightsee in any direction, and find the sun on your face.
2. Sophistication: From the clothing to the restaurants, to the bathrooms…Zurich is VERY clean and not much of a square inch has not been noticed and tended to…. Style and design, architectural details and preservation surround each street creating charm and refinement.
3. Chocolate and Cheese: Um, need I say more? I have eaten both enough to completely satisfy both for the next year….however, I’m looking to satisfy for the next 10 yrs.
4. Recycle: It is a mind set – you just do it. It is important and a priority. The government entices and greatly supports all efforts to further reuse products. So simple…why so inconvenient for the typical American family?
5. Outdoor living: Hiking, biking, skiing, walking strolling, running, swimming, etc…. Switzerland provides landscapes to play and exercise, in all seasons….
6. Architecture: My pictures will tell the story. The unique lanterns (of course) and ornate wooden doors seem to continuiously catch my attention.
7. Haribo: I am turning into a gummi bear myself...but determined to try each and every kind before I leave (down 4 types now), regardless of the repercussions.
8. SNOW: I have missed a white winter and the snow here seems to cling to the earth and refuse to melt away. I caught a snow flake on my tongue on Sunday and felt like I was 8 again - and I plan to go sledding and hopefully skiing this weekend (the haribo consumption has provided more cushion for the inevitable fall). Bravo Ginger!
9. Expats: My friends here. The swiss are not as inclined to bring new friends into their circle; it is not a clickish thing, simply a, I have my circle of friends and I am happy with just them. So, most of my new friends are those who have moved here to Zurich from elsewhere typically for an IT/banking job of some sort. And, they love to show off their city - and I enthusiastically let them with pleasure.
10. TBD
NOT SO MUCH: smoking (typical European city - can't get away from it), dangerously expensive, weather (not so much the cold, but I miss the mostly sunny days)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Utikon Mountain

"The seeming opposition between life and death is now cut through. Do not thrash or lunge or flee. There is no longer a container or anything to be contained. All is resolved in dazzingly measureless freedome."
- The book I am presently reading Three Cups of Tea, quoted this from Song of King Gezer....i read it once and continue to think about its meaning through my day, walking in the snow

Monday, February 23, 2009

Zurich, Switzerland - I have arrived 2/15/09

The crossroads of life some good and some not so good (but each for its own reason), have thankfully brought me to a place in life where I'm able to untangle myself and flee to Zurich for a few months. Zurich is my new hobby/occupation/friend and it is amazing how already being here, I have embraced the change and find myself smiling for no apparent excites me to completely lose my way (and self) in this city and work my way through the Swiss-German language and multiple train/trams/ come across but another park, building, site that makes me stop and maybe pull out my camera...maybe sit on a bench and enjoy....and of course, smile. Weeee....Swissin!

Please click on the link below to view the album, "First few days in Zurich"