Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lil mo Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Cameron Highlands, Pulau Pankor,
and Panang

Mainland Malaysia - We flew into the BIG city and capital of Kuala Lumpur and drove outa there just as fast as we came. Gave ourselves a personal tour of the city, Petronas Towers, the gorgeous new park, and a butterfly garden - enough to smell and taste...and booked a bus to the Cameron Highlands. It was here in Tanah Rata that we encountered our first cool weather stepping off the bus into the mountains of central Malaysia.
This region is smothered in tea plantations covering the hills with greenery tea bush mazes and sprinkled with strawberry farms. We took a jungle tour into the brush to see the world's largest flower, The Raflessa, while passing some hidden waterfalls. The next day brought an adventure as we decided we would rent a motorbike for the day and cruise the plantations on our own watch. Cruising up the mountain for the perfect view, aware, but hopeful to escape the nearing storm. The top is never as close as it seems, maybe in the end to make us appreciate the journey, rather the obvious summit. At the top, within the mist and the clouds, a mossy forest thrived in these damp mysterious woods. And although I didn't see them, I knew fairies were hidding in the trees.

Beginning our descent down the thunder roared, and the storm had already moved into the mountains and met us halfway. We biked only a minute to find shelter under a small tin roof shelter on the side of the mountain. Soaked and cold we could do nothing but wait it out. This is the price sometimes of the great adventure and why tour guides are overrated. We waited among the tea gardens....which began a understanding of what monsoon season meant.

With our lungs filled with cold, fresh, countryside air, we directed our next route west to Palau Pankor (Beautiful Island). This sleepy island was just recovering from the Indian holiday invasaion of Deepvali (Festival of Lights). One of the most important holidays of the year, the Indian families celebrated on the island with armfuls of children, crockpots, soccer balls, and plastic bags of fruits and breads. When we arrived the island slowed to its somber state and we finally caught our chance to rest on the beaches of Malaysia.

To view complete picture gallery of Mo Malaysia: