Wednesday, November 24, 2010

SINGapore, quick and hazy

A brief stop in Tokyo (not sure why people claim they have been to someplace when they only saw the airport; that doesn't count), and a full 24 hour travel time, we land safely in Sinagpore. Jet lagged and tired, we had one day (plenty) to check out the city and jump back on a flight to Kuching, Malaysia. Sinapore is on its own, located on the tip of the Malaysia peninsula. The majority of people running around are Chinese with a business mind and mythological heart. Sinagpore thrives.

As fires from Indonesia haze the sky with a thick smog planted over the city, the streets seems busy, hot and uninviting. Nonetheless, I was determined to wear in my new flip flops and see what the hype is all about.
They have opened the floodgates and welcomed the cosmopolitan lifestyle in, and share in the dance. But like every city, it is the parts that make it whole. The bustling business district has those appropriate business heels, mixed skyscraper/cafe/food stall designs, and beautiful parks. While Little India, Chinatown, and Arab Town add the spice to Sinapore's flavor. Much needed flavor in my personal culinary opinion. The city is very clean and has this crazy skyscraper with a huge cruise ship resting on top of the three towers. Can't miss it. Must symbolize the wealth, and the "what is to come."

Our hostel was called Footprints. This being the first hostel on the trip, it provided a scare, a hint, and a laugh. A scare, shit, can I do this? A hint of remembrance of my past hostel days and as much fun as they were - realizing that this is where we will rest our heads for the months ahead. A laugh; Bring it on.....I love this.

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